What is SCENAR?


The concept of this portable medical device “SCENAR” was created in 1980s by group of Russian scientists for needs of the Soviet army forces and space industry.
The idea of replacing the first aid kit with just one simple-to-operate light-weight portable medical device which positive effects can be easily obtained on the earth’s orbit was fascinating and defined the future of SCENAR development. 
From the beginning of the 21st century it started to spread around the world and now it is one of the most advanced treatment devices. 

This device uses unique technology that helps it to activate recovery processes and achieve fast positive results. Its main purpose is pain management, but it is proven by many physicians to be and effective treatment of such conditions as pain of unknown origin, myositis, fibromyalgia, acute and subacute traumas, edemas and lymphedemas, neuritis, chronic pain, postsurgical, posttraumatic pains and many others.


SCENAR is a small light weight device that fits in your pocket and is easy and convenient to carry around. Also, it is economically profitable as it increases the effectiveness of the pharmacological therapy and reduces the average time of hospital bed occupation by patient. In addition, it reduces the time and cost of full recovery treatment, saves medical supplies, reduces time of rehabilitation and helps patients to step back into the work faster. 

All SCENAR models (home and professional devices) together with the Add-on electrodes are used for non-invasive treatment to regulate physiologic systems of the body in order to relieve and manage different pain-related pathologies. They are designed to be operated by non-medical home users as well as by therapists, doctors and medical staff.