Training medical personnel in the field of dermatology cosmetology and laser in cooperation with the Libyan Foreign Medical Center

In the interest of the Arab Medical Engineers Company to qualify and train medical personnel in the fields of dermatology cosmetology and laser and in cooperation with the Libyan Foreign Medical Center Today a scientific lecture was held on the basics of laser science and its uses in the treatment of dermatology and cosmetology as well as the latest technologies used in the world The lecture included the following topics Removing hair capillaries and birthmarks with a device
DUETTO MT Alex 755+NDYAG1064
Pigmentation removal with a device Qplus C
Removal of scars skin tags acne marks wounds and burns
with a fractional laser device Youlaser MT CO210600GaAs 1540

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Dunya Al-Hayat Dermatology and Cosmetic Clinic in Benghazi Venice Street